🌐 Introduction

Welcome to the website, where a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics awaits you. Navigate through various pages and explore a myriad of features designed to enhance your browsing experience. From a well-organized blog to dynamic projects showcase, we've got it all covered.

Archieve Desktop
Archieve Tablet
Archieve Phone

πŸ“„ Pages

  • Blog (/): The main blog page.
  • Archieve (/archieve): An archive page for your content.
  • Projects (/projects): Showcase your projects.
  • Links (/links): Share useful links.
  • Notes (/notes): Organize and present your notes.
  • About (/about): Introduce yourself or your organization.
  • Categories (/categories): Categorize your content for easy navigation.

✨ Features

  • Light, Clean, and Responsive Design: A visually appealing and mobile-friendly design.
  • Simple Blog and Taxonomy: Easy organization of your blog and content.
  • SEO-Friendly & Performance Optimized: Optimal performance for search engines and users.
  • Compatible with Modern Browsers: Ensures a consistent experience across different browsers.
  • PWA Optimized (Progressive Web App): Enhances user experience by enabling offline access.
  • Further Reading (Next & Previous): Navigational aid for readers.
  • No jQuery, Only Vanilla JS: Lightweight and efficient JavaScript implementation.
  • Dynamic Import of JS Modules: Enhances page loading times.
  • Table of Contents with Scroll Highlighting: Improves content navigation.
  • Menu Location Indicator: Highlights current menu location.
  • Paginator with Numbers: Easy navigation through paginated content.
  • Social Media Share Buttons: Boost social media engagement.
  • Configurable Menu of Sidebar: Customize sidebar menu items.
  • Enhanced Scroll to Top: Smooth scrolling to the top of the page.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Highlight code snippets for better readability.
  • Handy Embed Shortcodes: Easily embed content in your posts.
  • Emoji Support: Expressive content with emojis.
  • Simple Search: Facilitates content discovery.
  • Social Media Sharing Buttons: Increase content visibility.
  • Hierarchical Archives: Organize content hierarchically.
  • Font Awesome Icons: Stylish and customizable icons.
  • Scroll to Top Button: Convenient navigation option.
  • Breadcrumb Navigation: Improved user navigation.
  • Multiple Author Support: Collaborative content creation.
  • Pinned Posts (Weight): Highlight important posts.
  • 404 (Page Not Found) Page: User-friendly error page.
  • Image Gallery: Showcase images in a gallery.
  • Responsive Images: Optimize image display on different devices.
  • Image Lazy Loading: Improve page loading times.

πŸ“œ Text and Typography

The Archieve provides a range of options to enhance the text and typography on website.

  • Abbr: Easily add abbreviations with semantic markup.
  • Color text: Apply vibrant colors to your text for emphasis.
  • Hidden Text (Blur): Create visually appealing hidden text with a blur effect.
  • Buttons: Customize buttons for interactive elements.
  • Text layout: Enhance the layout and formatting of your text.
  • Icons: Integrate Font Awesome icons to complement your text.
  • Spoiler: Conceal spoilers until the user chooses to reveal them.
  • Line: Enhance text appearance with decorative lines.

πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’» Code and Programming

The Archieve supports various features related to code and programming.

  • Asciinema: Embed Asciinema recordings for interactive terminal sessions.
  • Codepen: Integrate CodePen snippets seamlessly.
  • JSFiddle: Include JSFiddle code snippets effortlessly.
  • Gist: Embed GitHub Gists to showcase code snippets.
  • Highlight: Syntax highlighting for code blocks.
  • Math: Display mathematical equations using LaTeX syntax.
  • Diagrams: Create and embed diagrams in your content.
  • Charts: Display interactive charts to visualize data.

Fine-tune the appearance of your text with these additional formatting options:

  • Notice: Highlight important notices or announcements.
  • Tabs: Organize content with tabbed sections.
  • Tags: Categorize and label your content with tags.
  • Quote: Emphasize quotes with a distinct styling.
  • Progress bar: Indicate progress visually.
  • Todo List: Keep track of tasks with a to-do list.

πŸ“± Media and Visual Content

Elevate your content with rich media and visual elements:

  • Gallery: Create visually stunning image galleries.
  • Carousel: Showcase multiple images or content in a carousel.
  • Twitter: Embed tweets seamlessly into your posts.
  • Facebook: Integrate Facebook content effortlessly.
  • Instagram: Display Instagram photos directly on your site.
  • Spotify: Embed Spotify playlists for a musical experience.
  • YouTube: Integrate YouTube videos seamlessly.
  • Vimeo: Embed Vimeo videos in your content.
  • PDF: Display PDF documents directly on your website.
  • Video: Embed videos from various sources.

Organize and present information effectively with these features:

  • Links Card: Create visually appealing link cards for external URLs.
  • Ref (Post): Cross-reference related posts in your content.
  • Relref (Post Tag/Link): Link to related posts, tags, or external links.

Feel free to adapt and customize these sections based on your specific needs and preferences.