Hugo Theme Archieve

Hugo Theme Archieve

  • Date:
  • Skills: Python, Docker

Archieve is a minimal, responsive, and feature-rich Hugo theme designed for various types of writing.



  • Date:
  • Skills: Python, Docker, Redis, Ngrok

This is a FastAPI project that analyzes text extracted from images for sensitive data and caches the results using Redis.



  • Date:
  • Skills: Python, Docker

The IoC Enrichment API is a Python application that provides enrichment and analysis for Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) using various threat intelligence services.



  • Date:
  • Skills: Python, Docker

This project sets up a Dockerized FastAPI application that fetches phishing feed data from various sources (Phishtank, OpenPhish, and PhishStats) and stores it in a PostgreSQL database.

OpenSeadragon DZI Converter

OpenSeadragon DZI Converter

  • Date:
  • Skills: Python, HTML

This is a Python script that converts image files into Deep Zoom Image (DZI) format using the OpenSeadragon library. The DZI format allows for high-resolution zoomable images that can be easily integrated into web applications.

Reddit Crawler

Reddit Crawler

  • Date:
  • Skills: Python, Docker

The Reddit Crawler is a Python application that crawls posts from a specified subreddit and stores them in a SQLite database. It also provides an API server to retrieve and filter the crawled posts.

30 Days of JavaScript Exercises

30 Days of JavaScript Exercises

  • Date:
  • Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

I completed all of the exercises in the "30-Days-Of-JavaScript" repository by Asabeneh.rcises in the "30-Days-Of-JavaScript" repository by Asabeneh.