-bwill give binary representation instead of hexdump
-EChange the character encoding in the right hand column from ASCII to EBCDIC (Feel free to leave this flag if you don't know about BCD notation)
-c intSets the number of bytes to be represented in one row. (i.e. setting the column size in bytes; Default to 16)
-gThis flag is to set how many bytes/octets should be in a group i.e. separated by a whitespace (default to 2 bytes; Set -g0 if no space is needed).
-iTo output the hexdump in C include format ('0xff' integers)
-lSpecify the length of output(if the string is bigger than the length specified, hex of the rest of the string will not be printed)
-pSecond most used flag; Converts the string passed into plain hexdump style(continuous string of hex bytes)
-rMost used flag, will revert the hexdump to binary(Interpreted as plain text).
-uUse uppercase hex letters(default is lower case)
-sseek at offset (will discuss this in a little brief in examples)