-bTo background the downloading process
-cTo continue to the partially downloaded file (It will look for the partially downloaded file in the directory and starts appending; takes no argument)
-t intTo specify retries to the URL
-O download.txtTo specify the output name of downloaded file
-o fileTo overwrite the logs into another file
-a fileTo append the logs into already existing file without deleting previous contents
-i fileRead the list of URLs from a file.
--user=usernameTo give a login username(Use –ftp-user and –http-user if doesn't work)
--password=passwordTo give a login password( Use –ftp-password and –http-password if doesn't work)
--ask-passwordAsk for a password prompt if a login is necessary. (I recommend using this flag instead of –password because there are chances that password might start with $ or something else that can be interpreted as something else in your terminal)
--limit-rate=10kSimilarly to curl(supports k and m notation for kB and mB respectively)
-w=[NUM]This is to specify the waiting time before the retrieval from a URL.(Takes time in seconds)
-T=[NUM]Timeout the retrieval after a specified amount of time.(Takes time in seconds)
-NEnables timestamping
-UTo specify the user-agent while downloading the file