Volatility 2
Image Identification:
- imageinfo: Retrieve information about the memory image.
Process Analysis:
- pslist: List running processes.
- pstree: Display process tree.
- cmdline: Extract command-line arguments of a process.
- dlllist: List loaded DLLs for a process.
- handles: List open handles for a process.
Memory Dumping:
- memdump: Dump the memory of a specific process.
Registry Analysis:
- hivelist: List registry hive offsets.
- printkey: Print registry key values.
- hashdump: Dump password hashes from the SAM database.
File Analysis:
- filescan: Scan for file objects in memory.
- mftparser: Parse the Master File Table (MFT) for file metadata.
- dumpfiles: Extract files from memory.
Network Analysis:
- connections: List network connections.
- sockets: List open sockets.
Malware Analysis:
- malfind: Find hidden or injected code.
- malthfind: Find hidden processes.
- ldrmodules: List loaded modules.
Timeline Analysis:
- timeliner: Generate a timeline of system activity.
- filescan: Scan for file objects with timestamps.
Volatility Configuration:
- --plugins: Specify additional plugin directories.
- --profile: Specify the profile of the memory image.
Volatility 3
Image Identification:
- windows.info.Info: Retrieve information about the memory image.
Process Analysis:
- windows.pslist.PsList: List running processes.
- windows.pstree.PsTree: Display process tree.
- windows.cmdline.CmdLine: Extract command-line arguments of a process.
- windows.dlllist.DllList: List loaded DLLs for a process.
- windows.handles.Handles: List open handles for a process.
Memory Dumping:
- windows.memdump.MemDump: Dump the memory of a specific process.
Registry Analysis:
- windows.registry.hivelist.HiveList: List registry hive offsets.
- windows.registry.printkey.PrintKey: Print registry key values.
- windows.registry.hive.Hive: Extract registry hive.
File Analysis:
- windows.filescan.FileScan: Scan for file objects in memory.
- windows.mftparser.MFTParser: Parse the Master File Table (MFT) for file metadata.
- windows.dumpfiles.DumpFiles: Extract files from memory.
Network Analysis:
- windows.netstat.Netstat: List network connections.
- windows.sockets.Sockets: List open sockets.
Malware Analysis:
- windows.malfind.Malfind: Find hidden or injected code.
- windows.malthfind.Malthfind: Find hidden processes.
- windows.modules.Modules: List loaded modules.
Timeline Analysis:
- windows.timeline.Timeline: Generate a timeline of system activity.
- windows.filescan.FileScan: Scan for file objects with timestamps.
Volatility Configuration:
- --plugin-dirs: Specify additional plugin directories.
- --profile: Specify the profile of the memory image.
SecIC January 2018: "Memory Forensics with Vol(a|u)tility" - Matt Brenton / @chupath1ngee
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