Diagram - Roadmap:


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<!–CommentsSee above
@email addressesPivoting from an Email address
ca-pubGoogle Publisher IDGoogle's Description
ua-Google AdSense IDBellingcat Tutorial
.jpgAlso try other image file extensionsLikely to reveal more directory structure

The * mentor
"asdas" OR/AND deneme site:example.com filetype:pdf
intext:password inurl:deneme intitle:haber -www -mentor

'www' ve 'mentor' sonuçlarını göstermeden metinlerin içinde 'password', linklerin içinde 'deneme', başlıklarda 'haber' ara.

İstenilen tarihten öncesi ve sonrası için:

before:10-27-1996 after:10-25-1996

Web Sites:

  • site:s3.amazonaws.com "example.com"
  • site:blob.core.windows.net "example.com"
  • site:googleapis.com "example.com"
  • site:drive.google.com "example.com"
  • site:*/joomla/login
  • site:http://jsfiddle.net "target[.]com"
  • site:http://codebeautify.org "target[.]com"
  • site:http://codepen.io "target[.]com"
  • site:http://pastebin.com "target[.]com"
  • site:target.com filetype:php
  • site:target.com inurl:.php?id=
  • site:target.com inurl:.php?user=
  • site:target.com inurl:.php?book=
  • site:target.com inurl:login.php
  • site:target.com intext:"login"
  • site:target.com inurl:portal.php
  • site:target.com inurl:register.php
  • site:target.com intext:"index of /"

Find Parameters:

  • inurl:q= | inurl:s= | inurl:search= | inurl:query= inurl:& site:example.com
  • inurl:url= | inurl:return= | inurl:next= | inurl:redir= inurl:http site:example.com
  • inurl:/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
  • inurl:example.com intitle:"index of"
  • inurl:example.com intitle:"index of /" "*key.pem"
  • inurl:example.com ext:log
  • inurl:example.com intitle:"index of" ext:sql|xls|xml|json|csv
  • inurl:example.com "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD:" ext:env OR ext:yml -git
  • intext:"Powered by" & intext:Drupal & inurl:user
  • "submit vulnerability report" | "powered by bugcrowd" | "powered by hackerone"
  • site:.eu responsible disclosure
  • inurl:index.php?id=
  • site:.nl bug bounty
  • “index of” inurl:wp-content/ (Identify Wordpress Website)
  • inurl:”q=user/password” (for finding drupal cms )

Google Docs:

google dorking
google dorking
  • site:docs.google.com inurl:/spreadsheets/d/
  • site:drive.google.com inurl:/file/d/
  • site:docs.google.com inurl:/document/d/
  • site:docs.google.com inurl:/document/d/ inurl:edit
  • site:docs.google.com inurl:/spreadsheets/d/ inurl:edit