Important Ideas:
I have found that leads to consistent results, is persistence. Being persistent in looking for and exploiting vulnerabilities will almost always lead to success.
Rule 1:
Stick with one program.
Rule 2:
Observe your actions and ask yourself a question what I am doing wrong?
Time Management: {College + Content Creation + Bug bounty + Learn something new in cybersecurity}
Advice: Take time to select a target but don't jump from one to another. It wastes your time. Stick to a program for a longer period.
Patience: When I don't find a bug after spending a lot of time, I think it's a waste of time. But I can learn something new in this time. I was wrong, and every failure taught me so much!
Explain how an attacker can use this against the organisation
Pick one bug and look for it everywhere
Write a quality report
Invest in yourself
Focus less on $ and more on learning
Persistence and patience is the key
It's all hardwork, there is no shortcuts
Use tools; but learn how & why they work.?
True master never stop learning: be hamble
READ more & PRACTISE = all the information there is out there
You don't have write code but read
Stay curious: My crime is that of curiosity ' _ `
Rest = No burnout
Share & show what you've done
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