Dosya indirmek:

curl -O [URL]

Belirli bir porttan GET isteği yapmak:

curl -s http://[DOMAIN-IP]:22/

Bir sitede belirli bir metni aramak:

curl -s [URL] | grep [kelime]

HEAD seçeneğini kullanarak response başlıklarını yazdır:

curl -I HEAD -i [URL]

Çerez (cookie) atamak:

curl -v --cookie "USER_TOKEN=Yes" [URL]

Çerezleri elle ayarlayarak istek yapmak:

curl -b "name1=value1; name2=value2" [URL]

POST metodu ile veri göndermek/çerez eklemek:

curl -X POST [URL] -d "file=my_image.png"
curl -X POST [URL] -b "file=../../../../etc/passwd" -o output.txt

Başlık (Header) bilgisi vererek istek göndermek:

curl -d '{"id": 123456}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" [URL]

Butona tıklamak:

<input type="hidden" name="button1" value="button1">
<button name="submit" value="submit">Button 1</button>
curl -d "button1=button1&value=button1" [URL]

Kullanıcı adı ve şifre göndererek istek yapmak:

curl -X POST -d "username=asdas123&password=123456&submit=submit" [URL]

Siteyi index olarak indirmek:

curl [URL] -o output.html
curl [URL] > output.html

URL'leri bir dosyadan indirmek:

xargs -n 1 curl -O < URLs_list.txt

İndirmeyi devam ettirmek:

curl –C - - O [indirilen_dosya_sunucu_adresi]

Yönlendirmeleri takip etmek:

curl –L [URL]
-#Will display a progress meter for you to know how much the download has progressed.(or use –silent flag for a silent crawl)
-oSaves the file downloaded with the name given following the flag.
-OSaves the file with the name it was saved on the server.
-C -This flag can resume your broken download without specifying an offset.
--limit-rateLimits the download/upload rate to somewhere near the specified range (Units in 100K,100M,100G)
-uProvides user authentication (Format: -u user:password)
-THelps in uploading the file to some server(In our case php-reverse-shell)
-xIf you have to view the page through a PROXY. You can specify the proxy server with this flag. (-x -u user:password(Authentication for proxy server))
-I(Caps i) Queries the header and not the webpage.
-AYou can specify user agent to make request to the server
-LTells curl to follow redirects
-bThis flag allows you to specify cookies while making a curl request(Cookie should be in the format "NAME1=VALUE1;NAME2=VALUE2")
-dThis flag can be used to POST data to the server(generally used for posting form data).
-XTo specify the HTTP method on the URL. (GET,POST,TRACE,OPTIONS)