Docker is a powerful tool for building, shipping, and running applications within containers. Here are some essential Docker CLI commands to help you navigate Docker efficiently.
These topics will be add in the future:
- Docker: What is it?
- Docker Evolution: A Brief History
- Virtualization vs. Containerization
- Understanding Containers and Images
- Docker File Hierarchy
- Docker Volume
- Docker Swarm
- Docker Mount and Bind Mount
- Docker Plugin and Network Driver
- Why should I use Docker?
Getting Started
Check Docker Version
docker version
Docker Information
docker info
View Logs
docker logs
Docker Management Commands Cleanup
docker [Management CMD] prune
Creating and Running Containers
Searching for a Specific Image
docker search [image_name]
Run an Interactive Container
docker run -it [image_name]
- ("i" means run interactively, and "t" tells Docker to run a shell within the container.)
Assign a Custom Name to a Container
docker run --name [custom_name] [image_name]
Execute a Command in a Running Container
docker exec -it [container_ID] [command]
Start/Stop/Restart Container
docker start -ai [container_ID]
docker stop [container_ID]
docker restart [container_ID]
Download Specific Docker Version
docker run [redis:5]
Automatically Remove Container After Execution
docker run --rm [image_name]
Run Container in Detached Mode
docker run -d [image_name]
Copy Docker
docker image tag [existing_image_tag] [new_image_name]
List Images
docker images
Managing Images and Containers
Delete Untagged Images
docker rmi $(docker images -f "dangling=true" -q)
Delete All Containers
docker rm -v -f $(docker ps -qa)
List All Containers
docker container ls -a
List Historical Containers
docker ps
docker ps --all
- The container's ID
- What command is the container running
- When was the container created
- How long has the container been running
- What ports are mapped
- The name of the container
Create a Volume
docker volume create [NAME]
Inspect Volume Details
docker volume inspect [NAME]
Use Volume
docker container run -it -v [NAME]:/[DIR] [IMAGE] [CMD]
List Volumes
docker volume ls
Rename Container
docker container rename [container_name/ID] [new_name]
General Container Information
docker inspect [container_ID]
View Container Memory/CPU Usage
docker stats
Limit Memory/CPU Usage
docker container run --memory=[MB]m/g --memory-swap=[MB]m/g --cpus=[usage_cpu_core_num] --cpuset-cpus=[which_cpu_core_nums] [image_name]
Set Environment Variables
docker container run --env VAR1=[Name] VAR2=[Name] [image_name]
docker container run --env-file [env.list] [image_name]
Show Running Processes
docker top [container_ID]
Copy Files to/from Container
docker cp [file_name] [container_ID]:/[destination_path]
docker cp [container]:[src-path] [local-dest-path]
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